
The Berean Community Church is a body of believers who whole heartedly seek to honor God in our Worship.
At Berean Community Church we believe the Bible is the living words of God and is a fully trustworthy record of what He said. We believe the complete compilation of scripture is sufficient to meet every need.
Because we believe the inspired scriptures are completely inerrant and sufficient, we commit ourselves to the expository preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God in order to help believers to grow in the knowledge of the word of the Lord Jesus Christ; to be better equipped in the task to which God has called His church; to encourage the pursuit of holiness; to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We dedicate ourselves to making sure the primary content and form of our worship through song are derived from the Scriptures, written by godly men and women.
At Berean Community Church we learn together, pray together, worship together, play together, evangelize together, and live life together. We desire to be a vibrant and authentic faith community in Summit, MS that seeks to impact our neighborhoods and the nations with the good news of Jesus.